I've been busy around the web signing up at new sites trying to give both the shop and the blog a little more exposure. Here's some of the new sites I'm trying out.
Social spark.com - advertise your blog and network with fellow bloggers to try to pull in more readers. I think there's a whole money making aspect to this website, but I'm not sure how it works nor am I really interested in anything but new eyes.
Twitter.com - keep people updated on what you're up to. Twitter updates can easily be incorporated into blogs (my twitter updates how up in the toolbar to the right) and can be used to tell readers exactly what you're doing whether you're crafting, surfing the web, posting a new item to etsy, etc. Plus it's just fun to find friends and keep up with them.
Myitthings.com - post your designs and favorite designs you love. I haven't fully gotten into this website completely, but I've been trying to keep it updated with new etsy items.
If anyone has any accounts on those websites, let me know because I am always looking for friends. Also, if anyone has any other great sites for advertising blogs/shops I'm always looking for more ways to get the word out (while I still have free time).
1 shared a thought:
Great, informative post--thanks for the links! I've been looking of new exposure outlets myself for my blog and shop...I will be checking these out. I've been on Talentdatabase for a while, but this has not really significanly increased traffic to my blog or Etsy shop sales, I don't think...But anything's worth a try! :o)
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