First of all, I want to thank everyone who left me such nice, caring comments about my dad. He's home from the hospital now and doing alright. I took some of the advice from the doctor for him - to have an hour of aerobic exercise every day and went running for the first time in over a year this evening. I'll probably be terribly sore tomorrow, but nothing a couple aspirins can't take care of. I wanted to get it in my habits before school started and I wouldn't have the inspiration to exercise.
Also today I got some crafting done for the shop. I've added a couple of pairs of new slippers including the pair pictured to the right - Sea Splash Mary Janes. My goal this summer has to been to get the etsy shop stocked for the upcoming Christmas season. I've been happy with what I've been able to accomplish and I think things are already beginning to pink up in the shop. I've had a couple of sales in the past couple of days and even found some success in posting a listing for my items on craigslist. I hope everyone else is experiencing a pick up in sales and will have a very profitable holiday season. Buying handmade for the holidays is a great way to support creativity and artistic ability (as well as crafters like me trying to make their way through school!). I hope everyone out there will take advantage of the great products that can be found on handmade websites such as etsy and dawanda.
And I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. See you tomorrow for the theme of the week!
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Hi, B! So sorry to be so slow to get back here...and I was sooo sorry to hear about what happened with your father! So glad to know he is going to be ok :o) But it's so hard with these genetic things. high cholesterol runs on my dad's side, so at some point I'll be needing such checks to, so I understand your bit of worry. But as long as we take care of ourselves as best as possible, that's all we can do, right? Glad you have the mary janes to keep your spirits up ;o) You should be so proud of yourself...You've accomplished so much in getting your shop stock, and with so many fine offerings, as well as all your studies...Very impressive, hat off to you, my friend! Relax a little could use some after the last days :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
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