Lately I've been playing around a bit with photography. The spring around here is just beautiful with the huge explosion of new life - wildflowers, plants, animals - all sorts of growth and it really inspired me to just get out there and try to capture it all. I haven't really looked into photographic technique, I just play around with what looks good to me and go from there.
All of the photos I share on this blog are my own. Most, if not all, are from the surrounding area and the things I have come across in daily explorations. It's been quite fun exploring new things that just seem mundane and taken for granted, like city parks or highway road sides. The camera I have now also goes underwater, but I haven't had much of a chance to use that feature yet - just think of the possibilities though!
One of my favorite things to do with the photos I take is to share them. Almost every single one has been added to my facebook, and I'm slowly getting around to adding them to flickr - and of course here when I find a reason to share a picture I'm particularly fond of.
In etsy news, I added a new pair of slippers to the store this afternoon. I'm calling them "Sex and the Slippy." It's very clever, I know.
When I was crocheting them, the hot pink and black just reminded me of Sex and the City, so I couldn't help myself, really. I'd like to think that if Carrie were to buy some slippers of mine - these would be the ones. Hah hah.
1 shared a thought:
Oooh! Beautiful photos. I think I have a similar approach to photography as you do. ^-^ Love those slippers, too!
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