Feb 24, 2009

rapid cart.

Look at this great new feature from Artfire!!

It's called Rapid Cart, and it allows you to post items from your Artfire store on your blog or social networking site so that people can purchase the items right then in there - IN 28 SECONDS! You don't have to have an Artfire account or even visit my Artfire shop homepage. It's a great great new feature that I think will revolutionize the way people shop handmade. I can definitely see myself using. You can only use it if you are verified member which only costs $7 a month, but will soon be raised to $20 so be sure to get your account now if you are a handmade product seller. (P.S. Be sure to leave 'brokenhallelujah' as your referrer.)

2 shared a thought:

Cthings said...

Hey, I thought I would tell you I went to search for Rapid Cart and you popped up first, so I clicked it! WTG!! Nice article!

Erika said...

Great information about ArtFire and the cart.

I mentioned you on my blog.