Jun 23, 2008


It's about time I got around to posting pictures from the Walt Disney World trip, I know. So here they are. These are only a very small sampling of all the pictures from the trip. All of them can be found here, here, here, and here on my facebook. I don't think you have to have a facebook account to view them, but let me know if I'm wrong. 

Overall it was a great four days and exactly what I needed to forget about all the craziness going on here. 

2 shared a thought:

Tracy said...

VERY FUN! You two look happy in Mickey's land...I've not been there since I was kid! Happy Summer Days! ((HUGS))

Jaimee McClellan said...

Great pictures!
I sooo miss Disney World and we were just there in April...wish I was on the Pirates ride right now :)