Jun 3, 2008

craft your blues away.


Yesterday afternoon in a way to get my mind off of all the roommate madness, I took some fabric, ribbon, cork board, and pictures I had lying around my abandoned apartment and just decided to create. I plan to make four total, but only three are finished because I ran out of white push pins. They are just a way to look forward to the time when this will be all settled and I can happily move back into my apartment and my new room. 

2 shared a thought:

Waterrose said...

Hello! I just happened across your blog. I purchased two pairs of slippers in December 2006...for my daughter and myself...we both still have them and love them! This is my new shop name and at that time it was Rosez75. Sorry to read your distressing news. Hugs to you.

Tracy said...

Lovely boards! Looks like fun to make...And glad you found something creative to chase those blues away! :o) Hope things are looking up soon. Happy weekend ((HUGS))