Jun 24, 2008

new friends.

I found Disney World was a great place to meet new, super friends. I think Mrs. Incredible might be hitting on Andy a bit. 

I'm in a bit of a craft block right now. I'm wishing I had the skill and money to sew one of the purses in the patterns a friend of my mom's sent me. Actually, right now I'd settle for just understanding how to even use the pattern. I keep the patterns displayed by my sewing machine to try to inspire myself to try one. Some day, some day. In the mean time a pair of slippers is slowly coming to life - hopefully they'll make a new, comfy friends for someone's toesies. 

Jun 23, 2008


It's about time I got around to posting pictures from the Walt Disney World trip, I know. So here they are. These are only a very small sampling of all the pictures from the trip. All of them can be found here, here, here, and here on my facebook. I don't think you have to have a facebook account to view them, but let me know if I'm wrong. 

Overall it was a great four days and exactly what I needed to forget about all the craziness going on here. 

Jun 8, 2008

new haircut.

I'm in Dallas until Wednesday, when Andy and I fly to Orlando (Disneyworld!). In the meantime, we're just hanging around here enjoying our time off and trying to relax a little bit after all the drama and everything that has been happening lately. So for about a week and a half there will probably be very few updates from me as I'm not crafting and just being a bit lazy. I'm still around though.

I also got a new hair cut today! Always got to look great for your trip.

Jun 3, 2008

craft your blues away.


Yesterday afternoon in a way to get my mind off of all the roommate madness, I took some fabric, ribbon, cork board, and pictures I had lying around my abandoned apartment and just decided to create. I plan to make four total, but only three are finished because I ran out of white push pins. They are just a way to look forward to the time when this will be all settled and I can happily move back into my apartment and my new room. 

Jun 2, 2008

where's my good karma?

I thought the whole thing with my roommate was going to be over after I confronted her about my missing textbooks. But I guess I was wrong...

I went back to my apartment every day last week just to soothe my nerves and to check if the half of May's rent she owed me was there yet. It wasn't. It probably never will be because she doesn't talk to me, return my calls, or show any signs of acknowledging my numerous requests for it. And now she's left. I showed up to the apartment yesterday to pick up a package I was waiting for only to walk in and find everything of hers gone - which included all of the furniture in the living areas. She wasn't there herself, but her boyfriend (don't get me started on the boyfriend) was packing up the random stuff that was left. I asked him if they were going to be gone for the rest of the summer and he simply said, "Yup." 
I tried to play calm, cool, and collected as I hustled my little body down to the leasing office to immediately found out if she had paid her half of the June rent. Surprise, surprise - only my half of the rent was entered on the computer as of June 1st. Now she is not only stealing from me, but she intentionally did not pay her half of the rent when I told her I was no longer going to pay her half and she would be fully responsible for it. Now, this isn't true because both of our names are on the lease and if she doesn't pay, I'm responsible and face the consequences, but I was hoping she'd see how serious it was not to pay for her and feel a little frightened of what would happen if she didn't pay - I guess I was wrong. Or she thought if she up and left they couldn't do anything to her even though her name is on a lease until August. So, by leaving without any notice and without paying rent she has really just put my behind on the line because the lease contract my name is also on is now completely broken and if the rent is not paid they can legally evict me. 
Let's just say I'm slightly panicking, thus the slightly early morning post because I can't sleep. I'm supposed to receive a call from the office this morning about the whole thing, but I spent the afternoon researching my rights in similar situations on the web and if the manager does not decide to work with me, the only way to get myself out of this is just to chalk up her half of the rent and be $1000 in the hole. Goodbye any Disneyworld shopping... goodbye eating out... goodbye new school supplies... goodbye new haircut - for a LONG time. 
(You couldn't tell, but I just gave a very down trodden sigh.) I'm just wondering, after putting up with two weeks of rotten karma, where's my good stuff right about now?