May 20, 2009

what's sprung.

Some of my beauties growing out on the porch right now. I really love spending the sunny afternoons in the shade of the porch with some cool Italian soda, a snack, and these lovlies to look at. They brighten up my day. I hope everyone is enjoying the colors & warmth of summer in bloom! Don't forget about my giveaway - there's still plenty of time to enter!

3 shared a thought:

Lenox Knits said...

Gorgeous blooms! I love the last shot, can almost smell it through the screen.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Those are so pretty! Hibiscus is one of my favorite flowers.

Fabric and Bags said...

Wow, these are gorgeous flowers and how relaxing to sit outside with a wee drink amongst these lovelies!