Sep 15, 2009

cozy up!

A shop update!! I've got a whole new line of items being introduced in the shop as we blog. New this fall in the Broken Hallelujah shop are these coffee cup cozies.

They are perfect for any coffee or tea lover who just can't resist heading out to your local coffee shop and indulging. Believe me, you aren't the only one.

If you are like me and can't resist a good cup'o'joe every day, then this is the item for you! These take the place of those cardboard sleeves you pick up at the counter. With this sleeve you are not only drinking your coffee in style, but it's also an eco friendly solution to your burning finger tips.

I've made a bunch of these up in lots of different colors, patterns, yarns, etc. You can see the whole collection now in my shop. And of course, custom orders are always welcome.

And if you have any suggestions for color combinations, please share! I'm always open to new ideas.

2 shared a thought:

Pattie said...

These look great!!
Things like this make me wish I drank coffee :(

Tracy said...

Very those! Especially like that lacy one at the top. :o) Happy Day, Brandy ((HUGS))