Jul 4, 2009

happy fourth.

Happy Fourth of July!
I hope everyone is having a great holiday & enjoying time with friends, family, good food, and good fun.

Luckily, I got a three day weekend for the holiday, so Andy and I headed to Dallas to enjoy some big city celebrations. Last night we had a great time at a Ranger's ball game (obligatory hot dogs were consumed) and tonight we'll be heading to the Dallas Country Club to enjoy some good food, music, and fireworks. All in all we're making it a good ol' fashioned American summer weekend. I just need to find some watermelon to make it perfect.

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend as much as I am (and be sure to stay safe!).

1 shared a thought:

Tracy said...

A great all-American weekend is sounds like...I feel homesick just now! Glad you had a fun weekend, Brandy :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))